Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A call to 911!

Yesterday morning I had to make my first official 911 call. I witnessed a very disturbing situation on my way to work. I had just dropped the boys off at my mom's house and was getting ready to pull out of the subdivision where my parents live. I looked across the street and there was a truck pulled off to the side of the road, a man was outside of the truck hitting at something in the back seat. I waited a minute to see what was going on...and that's when it happened, the legs of a young middle school girl came out of the truck and she was screaming for someone to call 911. I couldn't believe my eyes....the man was slamming the poor girl into the seat and telling her never to make him mad and all I could hear was the girl bagging her dad to stop and for someone to call 911 and help her. During all of this there was an older gentleman that came out of his house and was on the phone....I figured he was calling the police. There was also an older lady who had pulled of to the side of the road to see what was going on and a young girl waiting for a bus saw it all too.
I had to pull out of the subdivision because there were cars lining up behind me to get out. I felt horrible leaving, but there were two other people there and they had access to a phone. As I was driving away I immediately called 911....to my surprise, it rang at least 35 time and no one picked up. I couldn't believe it! I had an emergency and I couldn't report it. I waited a few minutes and tried again. A lady picked up after 3 rings....I explained the situation to her, gave her the location and type of vehicle (I didn't even think to get the license plate #). I told the lady that there was man who was on his phone, she reassured me that he had in fact called and reported the situation right before I did. I hope that the cops made it there before the man took his daughter anywhere. I feel so bad that I didn't stay to make sure everything was okay....thoughts have been running through my mind since the very second I heard the young girl call out for help. I can't stop thinking about the girl, I hope everything turned out okay.

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