Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A hiking we will go!

So, it's been a while since if written. I've been wanting to tell all about our events from 3 weekends ago. It was when the weather was so beautiful for the first time. It was so nice out, so we decided to go on a family hike. We ventured down to the Dash Point State Park trails, it was so much fun. There were tons of people with there kids and dogs....even people on their bikes.
Here's Aiden checkin' out the cute in the backpack! He didn't actually smile that much, maybe he was just trying to take it all in :) This is his first real hike. We hiked these trails a couple times while Aiden was still in my belly.Here's Devyn on one of the big bridges in the trails. He kept saying the bridges were soo cool :) Devyn loves to go on the trails....he always runs way ahead of us. My husband is soo funny...I love him soo much. Can you tell he's having fun? He was, I swear....I'm sure he'd rather be riding his bike though.
This really made me nervous, but I had to get a picture of it. They look so cute together! Did I metion they were standing on a cliff looking down at what a huge drop it would be if they fell....scary!
And then of course taking a picture of myself. I can never get JR into taking pictures...he's totally not a camera guy, so I always have to get close ups at semi-okward angles. But here we and my bubba. I had an amazing time with my family out in the beautiful weather, I can't wait to do it again! I absolutely love the outdoors, especially hiking.

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